What We Believe

Dear Friend,


We believe it is God's heart-cry to save His people. His love for human beings is so great that He gave His one and only Son to save us. The fact that you or I are sinners isn't going to stop the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. In fact, the very reason Jesus Christ came to this earth was to save sinners by dying for us.


Jesus Christ makes new people out of previously lost sinners! It is God's joy to save people and to see them transformed more and more into His likeness here on earth. It is God's joy to have a relationship with people... just like you. He doesn't need anything from you... but He wants you! And when you believe in Jesus Christ to save you, you will be God's child for eternity!


God commands all people to repent and believe the good news of Jesus! While we might not like the word "command" in our independent culture today, if you stop and think about it the fact that God commands us to turn our lives around and believe in Jesus is also an act of God's love.


The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a loving and patient God who commands us clearly to repent and believe the gospel so that we can be saved! He doesn't confuse us with soft talk, or dominate us into a relationship, but He commands us what to do, so that we can be saved.


This is great news for people who have been slaves to alcohol, drugs, money, popularity, sex, and all forms of corruption! Jesus saves corrupt sinners and gives us a new life free from the shame of our past! Jesus literally gives us a new birth of spirit which lives forever!


And so He commands us from the greatest love; the source of all love, the source of light, the source of truth. He gave His son, 100% innocent of sin, to die for you. He doesn't command us from a place of safety hidden away from the pain of sin. God commands us from the greatest love of all. Jesus Christ died to save us from sin. God paid a very high price to save us, and it is with the highest integrity that He commands us to repent and believe in Jesus.


It is from His great love in the first place that we can, in return, love Him and others!


For detailed information on our formal doctrinal beliefs please click on this The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, What We Believe. We fully agree to and submit to this statement of faith which is based on the Holy Bible.


God bless you!



Location & Time

Gospel Church Waterloo

223 Union St E

Waterloo, N2J 1E1

Sundays - 11:00 am

(519) 741-5019

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